• In this eBook you will learn how to set up Continuous Deployment to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for your Docker Apps. We'll talk about EC2, ECS, ECR, Elastic Beanstalk and CodeDeploy.

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  • In our previous post, The Basics of MVC in Rails, we discussed theoretical aspects of the MVC design pattern. We defined what MVC stands for, identified what each MVC component is responsible for, addressed what happens when a component contains redundant logic, and, most importantly, we introduced the concept of refactoring. In this article, as promised, we’ll show you each design pattern at work.

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  • One of the most interesting design challenges in a programming language interpreter or VM is what kind of memory management API to offer to native extensions.

    This issue is more or less invisible unless you’re writing a native extension. When you are simply writing a program in Ruby, Python, Lua, etc., you don’t usually care how the memory management is implemented. 

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  • Working on an application I noticed that when getting JSON data from Rails the decimal numbers come as strings. Turns out this is to ensure it is still accurately rounded.If you don’t care about the rounding of large numbers then you can force Rails to output the decimals as numbers.

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  • What?

    In this short post I’d like to show how some of RSpec components (matchers and expectations) can be used for a greater good outside your tests. Like in your normal everyday scripts.

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