A new standard of testing for GOV.UK - Technology in government
25-Feb-2022 1978
Sometimes it’s more practical to test a change manually, and over the years the idea of doing some kind of manual check had become a staple in our deployment process. But having too many manual checks can lead to problems. For example:it’s hard to know what checks need to be done when we make future changes - in the worst case, the knowledge of what checks to do may be lost entirelythe balance of automated tests and manual checks can vary significantly, as each developer could make their own choices - this paints a confusing picture.
A new standard of testing for GOV.UK - Technology in government #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #standard #testing #GOV.UK #Technology #government #testing https://www.rubyonrails.ba/link/a-new-standard-of-testing-for-gov-uk-technology-in-government