A road map to moving from PHP to Ruby
26-Mar-2019 2113
PHP has long been among the top programming languages in popularity rankings. It has lots of advantages, from a low barrier to entry to a huge and well-developed ecosystem. For this reason, lots of newcomers to the world of programming opt for PHP, and you may be one of them.Yet if you’re reading this article, you’re likely considering switching to a different software development technology and Ruby is on your shortlist. Just like PHP, Ruby is a high-level object-oriented programming language that allows developers to implement web applications of any complexity. But is the shift from PHP to Ruby worth it? Definitely yes. Ruby stands out from other programming languages due to its unique philosophy. Unlike other technologies, it’s created to help developers feel happy about their work.
A road map to moving from PHP to Ruby #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #moving #php https://www.rubyonrails.ba/link/a-road-map-to-moving-from-php-to-ruby