A Weird and Wonderful Trip through Ruby’s Standard Library
03-Jan-2019 2302
You’ve probably heard the news by now — Bundler is getting merged into Ruby core! It’s great to see that projects like Bundler, which have become so central to the Ruby experience, are becoming part of Ruby in a deep way.It also got me thinking: what else is in there? I use Ruby primarily for writing web applications, but Ruby’s rich history as a scripting language means that there’s lots of functionality I don’t use every day, and probably lots that I don’t even know existed.
A Weird and Wonderful Trip through Ruby’s Standard Library #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Weird #Wonderful #through #Ruby’s #Standard #Library #library https://www.rubyonrails.ba/link/a-weird-and-wonderful-trip-through-ruby-s-standard-library