馃摙 Announcement: aws-sdk-rails v4.2 modularization and aws-sdk-rails v5 upgrade information 馃摙 路 Issue #165 路 aws/aws-sdk-rails
13-Dec-2024 157
In aws-sdk-rails 4.2, the gems are included as dependencies and is intended to be backwards compatible. Many namespaces and classes have been "symlinked" and possibly throw warnings about changes that will be made in aws-sdk-rails 5. If there are incompatibilities, please open a new issue, and depending on severity, either a fix is published or a temporary monkey patch should suffice. Many warnings have been sprinkled throughout the code to help notify users of the migration effort.
馃摙 Announcement: aws-sdk-rails v4.2 modularization and aws-sdk-rails v5 upgrade information 馃摙 路 Issue #165 路 aws/aws-sdk-rails #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Announcement: #aws-sdk-rails #modularization #aws-sdk-rails #upgrade #information #Issue #aws/aws-sdk-rails #aws-sdk-rails #upgrade https://www.rubyonrails.ba/link/announcement-aws-sdk-rails-v4-2-modularization-and-aws-sdk-rails-v5-upgrade-information-issue-165-aws-aws-sdk-rails