EBNF parser and generic parser generator for Ruby.
06-Jan-2022 1532
EBNF parser and generic parser generator for Ruby. - dryruby/ebnf: EBNF parser and generic parser generator for Ruby.In the primary mode, it supports a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser generator. This performs more minmal transformations on the parsed grammar to extract sub-productions, which allows each component of a rule to generate its own parsing event.The resulting {EBNF::PEG::Rule} objects then parse each associated rule according to the operator semantics and use a Packrat memoizer to reduce extra work when backtracking.These rules are driven using the {EBNF::PEG::Parser} module which calls invokes the starting rule and ensures that all input is consumed.
EBNF parser and generic parser generator for Ruby. #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #parser #generic #parser #generator #Ruby. https://www.rubyonrails.ba/link/ebnf-parser-and-generic-parser-generator-for-ruby