Embracing Change: Rails 5.1 Adopts Yarn, Webpack, and the JS Ecosystem - Pixelated
23-Mar-2017 3064
For many years, Ruby on Rails has been the go-to framework for startups, micropreneurs, SMBs, and really for anyone who needed to build and launch a tool quickly. With its opinionated, convention over configuration approach, and Heroku’s brilliant git push to deploy feature, Ruby on Rails made every other solution look barbaric by comparison.
Embracing Change: Rails 5.1 Adopts Yarn, Webpack, and the JS Ecosystem - Pixelated #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Embracing #Change: #Rails #5.1 #Adopts #Yarn, #Webpack, #and #the #JS #Ecosystem #- #Pixelated #webpack, https://www.rubyonrails.ba/link/embracing-change-rails-5-1-adopts-yarn-webpack-and-the-js-ecosystem-pixelated