Messages on Rails Part 1 - Introduction to Kafka and RabbitMQ
25-Feb-2019 1877
Microservices, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and in general, distributed ecosystems, have been on hype in the last several years. And that’s for a good reason! At certain point, The Majestic Monolith “pattern” might start causing issues, both from the purely technical reasons like scalability, tight coupling of the code if you don’t follow Domain-Driven Design or some other practices improving modularity, maintenance overhead, and also from organizational perspective since working in smaller teams on smaller apps is more efficient than working with huge team on an even bigger monolith which suffers from tight coupling and low cohesion. However, this is only true if the overall architecture addresses the potential problems that are common in the micro/macro-services world. One of these problems I would like to focus on is communication between apps and how the data flows between them.
Messages on Rails Part 1 - Introduction to Kafka and RabbitMQ #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Messages #Rails #Introduction #Kafka #RabbitMQ