Puma vs Phusion Passenger
22-Nov-2018 2462
As you may have noticed by now, this article is written by the authors of Phusion Passenger. As a result, some people have expressed their concerns about the objectivity and accuracy of this article. So first of all, let us state that, because we have a commercial interest in this, it is not possible for us to be completely unbiased. That being said, we do our best, and we do not like to make claims that are not backed by facts. If we say that Phusion Passenger is better than X, then that's because we can back that up, and because we believe in it. If you are still worried about objectivity or accuracy, then we encourage you to read this response by Evan Phoenix himself:.
Puma vs Phusion Passenger #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Phusion #Passenger #puma #passenger https://www.rubyonrails.ba/link/puma-vs-phusion-passenger