Register Transfer Language for CRuby - RHD Blog
19-Feb-2019 2055
This post shows the advantages and disadvantages of using register transfer language (RTL) for CRuby, and it compares the performance of RTL CRuby with that of trunk.For the last two years, I have been trying to improve CRuby performance. I have been working simultaneously on two major fronts: introducing register transfer language (RTL) for the CRuby virtual machine (VM) and just-in-time (JIT) compilation. For background on the goal of having Ruby 3 be 3 times faster than version 2 (3X3), see my previous article, “Towards the Ruby 3×3 Performance Goal“.
Register Transfer Language for CRuby - RHD Blog #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Register #Transfer #Language #CRuby #blog