The silliness of frontend frameworks | Karthikeyan A K’s blog
25-Jan-2022 2956
I am been developing websites for 15 years, and most of my experience has been good. Before that I have been an embedded systems programmer, to code a microcontroller and not knowing what its really intended for was a wreak on my soul. I am a guy who though belies there is no purpose in life, nothing is constant, and everything is meaningless, strangely seek for a purpose of my actions.I left big corporates, and not knowing what HTML is, I stated creating websites for people and businesses, and I was successful. People said there is a miracle stuff called PHP, and I am just using plain HTML to create websites, I learned PHP and it improved my productivity a lot. I loved it.
The silliness of frontend frameworks | Karthikeyan A K’s blog #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #silliness #frontend #frameworks #Karthikeyan #blog #frameworks #frontend