Upgrading Rails: Tracking down deprecated callbacks in Rails 5.0
09-Apr-2020 2895
We’re in the process of upgrading some of our Rails apps at Clio from Rails 5.0 to 5.1 (and onwards to 6 in the coming months 🚀). Part of our upgrade strategy involves addressing the deprecation warnings that Rails helpfully provides, in order to prepare our app for the next version before upgrading.One of the features deprecated in Rails 5.1 is the ability to return false from a model callback to halt the chain. As the warning itself helpfully points out:.
Upgrading Rails: Tracking down deprecated callbacks in Rails 5.0 #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Upgrading #Rails: #Tracking #deprecated #callbacks #Rails #callbacks https://www.rubyonrails.ba/link/upgrading-rails-tracking-down-deprecated-callbacks-in-rails-5-0