Using AWS SAM Cookiecutter Project Templates
19-Mar-2020 2272
For the upcoming Lamby work, we really want to improve our "getting started" experience. Creating a new Rails app on AWS Lambda should feel just as natural as running the $ rails new command line tool. One option to explore could be AWS' Serverless Application Repository. Commonly called SAR (czar, not es•ay•are) for short, it offers re-usable applications similiar to Heroku's deploy button.Learning SAR is definitely on my list. However, initial research showed that it was not well suited for generator style project templates. Nor did it appear to put an emphasis on leaving the user with some local version-controllable artifact to move the application forward using various CI/CD tools. However, I have known that the SAM CLI tool does support a popular Python project called Cookiecutter which might be perfect for Lamby. So I set out to learn more about it. For the upcoming Lamby work, we really want to improve our "getting started" experience. Crea...
Using AWS SAM Cookiecutter Project Templates #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Using #Cookiecutter #Project #Templates #aws