Using Hotwire and Rails to build a live commenting system - DEV Community
18-Feb-2024 841
Today we're exploring Hotwire, a new-old way of building web applications by sending HTML instead of JSON over the wire.We'll learn how Hotwire works with Ruby on Rails by building a simple application that allows users to leave comments on a project and see those comments in real-time, without requiring full page turns.This guide presents an alternative approach to a guide I wrote last year which guides you through creating a similar experience using Stimulus. Either approach is valid and works well. The approach presented today presents a way of delivering the experience without writing any JavaScript code, and should feel very natural for any Ruby on Rails developer.Here is what it will look like when we are finished. It won't be pretty, but it will work and we won't write a single line of JavaScript.
Using Hotwire and Rails to build a live commenting system - DEV Community #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Using #Hotwire #Rails #build #commenting #system #Community #dev #hotwire #live