Writing Clean Monkey Patches (Fixing Kaminari 1.0.0 ArgumentError - Comparison Of Fixnum With String Failed) - Solid Foundation Web Development
22-Jan-2017 2849
I recently did bundle update on a project. I later noticed that the pagination was giving me an error: This turned out to be a bug in Kaminari v1.0.0. I figure this probably caught quite a few people off guard considering this is the most popular pagination library. This Kaminari error was fixed in master 01ec38a but they haven’t released v1.0.1 yet. I didn’t want to downgrade to a pre v1.0.0 version so I developed the following monkey patch to solve the issue until v1.0.1 is released.
Writing Clean Monkey Patches (Fixing Kaminari 1.0.0 ArgumentError - Comparison Of Fixnum With String Failed) - Solid Foundation Web Development #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Writing #Clean #Monkey #Patches #(Fixing #Kaminari #1.0.0 #ArgumentError #- #Comparison #Of #Fixnum #With #String #Failed) #- #Solid #Foundation #Web #Development #development #web https://www.rubyonrails.ba/link/writing-clean-monkey-patches-fixing-kaminari-1-0-0-argumenterror-comparison-of-fixnum-with-string-failed-solid-foundation-web-development